Thermal Expansion Calculator to calculate linear thermal expansion of an unrestrained bar when the temperature of the bar is uniformly changed. Linear thermal expansion formulas which are used for calculations are given in the "List of Equations" section.

If the temperature of a bar , which rests freely on a surface, is increased by ∆T, the bar expands linearly by an amount of δT. The amount of elongation is proportional to the temperature change ∆T, the length of the bar L and coefficient of thermal expansion of bar material α.

Linear Thermal Expansion Calculator:

Linear Thermal Expansion Calculator
Parameter Value
Initial Length [L] 
Linear Expansion Coefficient [α]
Initial Temperature [t0]
Final Temperature [t1]

Parameter Value
Change in Length [δT] --- ---
Final Length [L + δT] ---
Temperature Change [∆T] --- ---
Thermal Strain [εT ] --- ---

Note: Use dot "." as decimal separator.


Link Usage
Material Properties Thermal expansion coefficient values of steels, aluminum alloys, cast irons, coppers and titaniums.
Thermal Stress in a Bar Calculates stress of a restrained bar when the temperature of the bar is uniformly changed.
Thermal Stress in a Unifrom Plate Calculates stress of a restrained unifrom plate when the temperature of the plate is uniformly changed.

List of Equations:

Parameter Equation
Thermal Deformation [δT] δT = (∆T)αL
Thermal Strain [εT ] εT = αL
