Press Fit Bushing Dimensions Table

Press Fit Bushing (Type P) Dimensions according to ASME B94.33. All dimensions are given in inches. Press fit bushings are made in two types: with heads and without.

Head-Type Press Fit Bushings
Range of
Body Diameter B Body
+/- 1/64
Nominal Finished
Max. Min.
5/32 0.1578 0.1575 1/4 1/64 P-10-4
5/16 P-10-5
3/8 P-10-6
1/2 P-10-8
13/64 0.2046 0.2043 1/4 1/64 P-13-4
5/16 P-13-5
3/8 P-13-6
1/2 P-13-8
1/4 0.2516 0.2513 1/4 1/64 P-16-4
5/16 P-16-5
3/8 P-16-6
1/2 P-16-8
3/4 P-16-12
1/8 to #10 5/16 0.3141 0.3138 1/4 1/32 P-20-4
5/16 P-20-5
3/8 P-20-6
1/2 P-20-8
3/4 P-20-12
1 P-20-16
3/16 to "F" 13/32 0.4078 0.4075 1/4 1/32 P-26-4
5/16 P-26-5
3/8 P-26-6
1/2 P-26-8
3/4 P-26-12
1 P-26-16
1 3/8 P-26-22
3/16 to "O" 1/2 0.5017 0.5014 3/8 3/64 P-32-6
1/2 P-32-8
3/4 P-32-12
1 P-32-16
1 3/8 P-32-22
1 3/4 P-32-28
5/16 to 7/16 5/8 0.6267 0.6264 3/8 3/64 P-40-6
1/2 P-40-8
3/4 P-40-12
1 P-40-16
1 3/8 P-40-22
1 3/4 P-40-28
2 1/8 P-40-34
3/8 to 17/32 3/4 0.7518 0.7515 1/2 1/16 P-48-8
3/4 P-48-12
1 P-48-16
1 3/8 P-48-22
1 3/4 P-48-28
2 1/8 P-48-34
1/2 to 5/8 7/8 0.8768 0.8765 1/2 1/16 P-56-8
3/4 P-56-12
1 P-56-16
1 3/8 P-56-22
1 3/4 P-56-28
2 1/8 P-56-34
5/8 to 3/4 1 1.0018 1.0015 1/2 3/32 P-64-8
3/4 P-64-12
1 P-64-16
1 3/8 P-64-22
1 3/4 P-64-28
2 1/8 P-64-34
2 1/2 P-64-40
3/4 to 1 1 3/8 1.3772 1.3768 3/4 3/321 P-88-12
1 P-88-16
1 3/8 P-88-22
1 3/4 P-88-28
2 1/8 P-88-34
2 1/2 P-88-40
1 to 1 3/8 1 3/4 1.7523 1.7519 1 3/32 P-112-16
1 3/8 P-112-22
1 3/4 P-112-28
2 1/8 P-112-34
2 1/2 P-112-40
3 P-112-48
1 3/8 to 1 3/4 2 1/4 2.2525 2.2521 1 3/32 P-144-16
1 3/8 P-144-22
1 3/4 P-144-28
2 1/8 P-144-34
2 1/2 P-144-40
3 P-144-48

The maximum and minimum values of hole size A shall be as follows:

Nominal Size of Hole Max, in. Min., in.
Above #80 to 1/4 in. incl. Nominal + 0.0004 Nominal + 0.0001
Above 1/4 to 3/4 in. incl. Nominal + 0.0005 Nominal + 0.0001
Above 3/4 to 1 1/2 in. incl. Nominal + 0.0006 Nominal + 0.0002
Above 1 1/2 in. Nominal + 0.0007 Nominal + 0.0003



  • ASME ASME B94.33-1996, Jig Bushings (Inch Series)