Machine Dowel Pin Hole Sizes Chart according to ASME B18.8.2 standard to show suggested hole sizes for press-fitting standard series machine dowel pins (inch) into materials such as mild steels and cast iron. For soft material such as aluminum or zinc die castings, hole size limits are usually decreased by 0.0005 in. to increase the press fit.
For design calculations, the shear strength of standard dowel pins should be based on the values given by the calculator.
Pins should not be installed by striking or hammering and, when installing with a press, a shield should be used and safety glasses worn.
Dowel Pins: The dowel pins are intended for applications where precise locating of mating parts is essential, such as, for doweling hardened tool and machine components or to serve as stops, guides, and load bearing pins, etc., where strength, shock, or wear factors necessitate a hardened pin.