Machine Dowel Pins Dimensions Chart according to ASME B18.8.2 standard to show dimensions of hardened ground machine dowel pins. All dimensions are in inches.

The dowel pins are intended for applications where precise locating of mating parts is essential, such as, for doweling hardened tool and machine components or to serve as stops, guides, and load bearing pins, etc., where strength, shock, or wear factors necessitate a hardened pin.

Some important notes from the ASME B18.8.2 standard:

- Hardened ground machine dowel pins are furnished in two diameter series: Standard Series intended for initial installations; and Oversize Series intended for replacement use.

- The ends of hardened ground machine dowel pins shall be reasonably flat and perpendicular to the axis of pin. One end of pin shall be pointed and the other end crowned.

- The tolerance on the length of hardened ground machine dowel pins shall be ±0.01 in.

- Hardened ground machine dowel pins shall be made from any carbon or alloy steel.

- Pins shall be case hardened. At manufacturer’s option, pins smaller than 1⁄8 in. nominal size may be through hardened.

- Designation: Name, Pin Series, Nominal Pin Dia., Length, Material and Finish. Ex: Pin, Hardened Ground Machine Dowel - Standard Series, 3⁄8 x 1 1⁄2, Steel, Phosphate Coated

Machine Dowel Pins Dimensions Chart:

Nominal Pin Size
Pin Series


Dowel Pins Dimensions
Parameter Value
Nominal Size --- inch
Nominal Pin Diameter ---
Basic Pin Diameter [Abas] ---
Maximum Pin Diameter [Amax] ---
Minimum Pin Diameter [Amin] ---
Maximum Point Diameter [Bmax] ---
Minimum Point Diameter [Bmin] ---
Maximum Crown Height [Cmax] ---
Minimum Crown Radius [Rmin] ---
Preferred Nominal Lengths [Lnom] ---

Note The tolerance on the length of hardened ground machine dowel pins shall be ±0.01 in.


Link Usage
Dowel Pins Hole Sizes (Inch) Shows suggested hole sizes for press-fitting standard series machine dowel pins (inch) into materials such as mild steels and cast iron.


  • ASME B18.8.2-2000, Taper Pins, Dowel Pins, Straight Pins, Grooved Pins, and Spring Pins(Inch Series)
  • Oberg.E , Jones.D.J., Holbrook L.H, Ryffel H.H., (2012) . Machinery's Handbook. 29th edition.  Industrial Press Inc. , pp 1749
  • Oberg, E. , Jones ,F.D. , Horton H.L. , Ryffel H.H., (2016) . Machinery's Handbook . 30th edition.  Industrial Press Inc. , pp 1800