Metric Clevis Pin Dimensions according to ISO 2341 and ISO 2340 standards.

The clevis pins are type of pins which are intended for use in conjunction with clevises and rod end eyes.

Some important notes from the ISO standards:

- ISO 2341 and ISO 2340 specify the characteristics of clevis pins with and without head respectively for nominal diameters from 3 to 100 mm inclusive.

- Materials: Free-cutting steel, hardness 125 to 245 HV.

- Plain clevis pins to be supplied in natural finish treated with a rust-preventative lubricant. Preferred coatings are black oxide, phosphate coating or zinc plating with chromate conversion coating.

- All tolerances shall apply prior to the application of a plating or coating.

Metric Clevis Pin Dimensions:

Nominal Pin Size
Pin Length *
Clevis Pin Type

Note * : Commercial lengths advised in ISO 2340 and ISO 2341 standards.


Metric Clevis Pins Dimensions
Parameter Value
Shank Diameter [d]1 --- mm
Head Diameter [dk]2 ---
Hole Diameter [dl]3 ---
End Chamfer [c] ---
Head Chamfer [e] ---
Head Height [k] ---
End to Center [le] ---
Underhead Radius [r] ---
Nom. Pin Length [lnom] ---
Min. Pin Length [lmin] ---
Max. Pin Length [lmax] ---

Note 1: Tolerance of shank diameter d is h11.

Note 2: Tolerance of head diameter dk is h14.

Note 3: Tolerance of hole diameter dl is H13.

Note: For railway applications and in cases where split pins in clevis pins are subjected to alternating transverse forces, it is recommended to use the next larger split pin size to that given by the calculator.

Note: For unspecified dimensions, angles and surface roughness values for clevis pins with split pin hole, see clevis pins w/o split pin holes.

Note: In cases where a distance lh, which is not in accordance with l - 2le, is needed, this distance should be stated in the clevis pin designation but in no case may the values for le be smaller than the value given in the calculator.


Split Pin: A pin that is fitted through a hole and then bent backwards to lock the pin in place. Split pins are used to lock clevis pins.


Link Usage
Limits, fits and tolerance calculator Calculates the limits, fits and tolerances according to ISO 286(2010) and ANSI B4.2 (1978) standards.


  • ISO 2340 : 1986, Clevis pins without head
  • ISO 2341 : 1986, Clevis pins with head