Metric Hex Jam Nut (Hex Thin Nut) Dimensions Chart according to ISO ISO 4035 and ISO 4036 standards.
Some important notes from the ISO standards:
- ISO 4035 specifies the characteristics of chamfered hexagon thin nuts (jam nuts), with threads from M1.6 up to including M64, with product grade A for threads d ≤ M16 and product grade B for threads d > M16.
- Mechanical properties of ISO 4035 hex thin nuts: Steel - M3 ≤ d ≤ M39 - Property class 04, 05 , Stainless steel - d ≤ M24: Property class A2-035, A4-035 , M24 < d ≤ M39 - Property class A2-025, A4-025
- ISO 4036 specifies the characteristics of unchamfered hexagon thin nuts (jam nuts), with threads from M1,6 up to and including M10 and product grade B.
- Mechanical properties of ISO 4036 hex thin nuts: Steel - Minimum hardness 110 HV30
Note 1: Dimensions are in mm.
Note 2: Requirements for electroplating are covered in ISO 4042 for steel nuts
Note 3: Requirements for nonelectrolytically applied zinc flake coatings are covered in ISO 10683 for steel nuts.
Note 4: Non-preferred threads according to ISO standards: M3.5, M14, M18, M22, M27, M33, M39, M45, M52, M60.
Note 5: Thread tolerance of hex thin nuts is 6H.
Product Grade A, Grade B and Grade C: The product grades refer to the size of the tolerances where grade A is the most precise and grade C is the least precise as defined in the ISO 4759-1:2000 standard.